Whipped Coffee
This fragrance is a rich combination of coffee, butter and vanilla, with sweet musk undertones. Coffee Whipped will leave you feeling like a barista extraordinaire.
Top -
Middle -
Butter Notes, Vanilla
Bottom -
Sweet Musk
Application‚ Level/Limit
Body Wash: 6.33%
Candles:‚ 6.33%
Incense: 6.33%
Laundry Detergent: 6.33%
Shampoo: 6.33%
Soap: 6.33%
Flashpoint:‚ 181
Phthalate free: Yes
Skin Safe: Yes
Vanillin: No
Safety Data Sheet: Whipped Coffee SDS
IFRA: Whipped Coffee IFRA
Sadly I don’t smell any scent from this one at all.
I love the fragrence oils but shipping takes WAYYYY to long for me.
Whipped coffee is a fantastic oil and smells just a freshly brewed cup of coffee with sweet notes 🎶
Strong cold and hot throw. Very nice coffee fragrance
Great scent. Very strong. Used with candles and melts and it performed beautifully.