Ultra Core Wicks

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New Ultra-Core Wicks are made right here  in the USA and are a 100% natural option for your container candles. Ultra Core Candle wicks offers the rigidity of zinc  . . . without the metal wire. This product line gives candle makers their independence from using zinc core wicks. Ultra Core is an all fiber wick. It has the rigidity of zinc core without any wire or paper in the core.

The fibers used to construct Ultra-Core Wicks provide a incredible burn in ALL waxes! They have been tested in soy, paraffin, coconut, palm, beeswax, candle gel and many hybrid blends, and the Ultra-Cores did not disappoint! One wick that works in any wax has finally arrived.

The core is a specially treated fiber that completely consumes. Since the core of this advanced wick consists of fibers, not metal, it does not leave behind the unsightly metal wire protruding from the flame as it burns.

The wick stays straight during the candle fill, and more importantly during the burn. This wick is an excellent choice for container candles.  

The Ultra-Core unique knitted patented design allows the wax to flow through the fibers easier to fuel your flame, and improves your melt pool, resulting in a much better burning candle. A better performing melt pool means less tunneling, and a better hot throw for your scents. Ultra-core wicks burn with a shorter, hotter flame, which means little or no soot and much smaller mushrooms.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

I’ve heard a lot about these wick and wanted to try them out !!


Can’t wait to try them out! I’ll be back soon

Tamara Mariner

I love these wicks and have only found them at one other place. They are so simple to use and take all the guess work out of wicking!!!!
Thank you