Vanilla Bean Noel
This fragrance is a cozy and comforting scent that will make you feel warm and happy. It features the sweet and aromatic notes of fresh vanilla bean, which create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere. The fragrance also features the rich and decadent notes of caramel, which add a layer of indulgence and luxury to the scent. The velvet like cream adds a touch of softness and smoothness, making the fragrance more creamy and delicious. This fragrance is a festive and inviting aroma that will make you feel pampered and cozy, and will fill your home with sweetness and warmth.
Top -Cream
Middle -Caramel
Bottom -Vanilla Bean
Application Level/Limit
Body Wash: 100.00%
Candles:‚ 100.00%
Incense:‚ 100.00%
Laundry Detergent: 100.00%
Shampoo: 100.00%
Soap: 100.00%
Flashpoint: 200
Phthalate free: Yes
Skin Safe: Yes
Vanillin: Yes
Safety Data Sheet: Vanilla Bean Noel SDS
IFRA: Vanilla Bean Noel IFRA
Smells exactly like bath and body works vanilla bean Noel!!
I’m not sure how I feel about this fragrance. I’ve purchased several different ones from this site, and usually can smell them from their cold throw right away. I didn’t with this one. It’s not very strong, and I used 10% fragrance oil. I don’t think I’ll be purchasing this particular fragrance again.
Love this Fragrance by itself & as a compliment to other scents - has great cold & hot throw. Will definitely be buying more of!
a nice cozy creamy twist on vanilla bean. my customers love it