Coffee Shop
This fragrance oil smells like the best cup of coffee you have ever had! Just imagine...you pour yourself a cup of hot coffee, creamy and sweet with a hint of spice. Then you take your first sip and are instantly transported to a warm cozy kitchen where Grandma is bustling about making cinnamon rolls for breakfast. This fragrance evokes feelings of comfort and happiness--it captures the essence of a favorite cup of joe!
Top -
Toasted Nut, Butter
Middle -
Coffee, Spice
Bottom -
Vanilla, Cream
Application‚ Level/Limit
Body Wash: 22.84%
Candles: 22.84%
Incense: 22.84%
Laundry Detergent: 22.84%
Shampoo: 22.84%
Soap: 22.84%
Flashpoint: >200
Phthalate free: Yes
Skin Safe: Yes
Vanillin: Yes
Safety Data Sheet: Coffee Shop SDS
IFRA: Coffee Shop IFRA
Strong CT & HT! Best coffee fragrance I’ve found
Great scent smells like a great good cup of coffee
Customers love this scent, I blend with black cardamom. Some say it smells like the holidays to them
Good job with making this smell just like coffee..may blend with hazelnut or just leave as is.
This one is strong and I love.it . I've tried alot.of.coffee ones amd this is my fav